A week ago, I was in a research writing class, and the professor was discussing the type of research ideas he approves, and he said so bluntly "avoid discussing topics that are in the form of solutions because there are very few people on earth who know how to solve those major problems, and obviously you are not one of them." Coincidentally, I was reading a book about Zen meditation which was discussing a similar manner. That is the author, so naively too, was saying that we should not take life so seriously, and his only argument for this was that our existence is not this significant in the world. Moreover, he tried to strengthen his argument so he said that we are nothing but a piece of dust, and that if we died today the world won't lose anything. 
I know that it would be egotistical to argue that we are more than a piece of dust in the vastly large universe, but what goes into my mind is that one's life could be so meaningful and significant. Just think with me about all those cities, buildings, inventions, cures of diseases, and acts of kindness we do for each other. All those things are just a demonstration of what we, as human being, are capable of doing.
I am not here pointing figures or blaming anyone, but I believe that living a life that is not that significant is a form failure, and that having a skill so mediocre that people won't even notice is another form failure too. We all love resting and following the path of least resistance, and I am a victim of this too, but we can be better, we can stretch farther. And this reminds me with an example that Jim Rohn said in one of his seminar that all forms of living things stretch to its maximum potential but human kind. Have you ever seen a tree that has only grown half as possible or an ant who didn't work as hard as possible? the answer for this is very obvious, no living organism would accept growing as much as possible. 
I am writing this post and the images of Martin Luther kings, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Mohamed Ali, Claude Shannon, Einstein are rushing into my mind. Those people were significant and we can be significant too. Imagine with me how would the earth look if all of us worked as if it is a military campaign to fight against poverty, cancer, global warming, bad economies, or even our fat bellies and man boobs. I am sure that if just did so, we can erase all forms of those deficiencies from the entire universe.
I know that those ideas may seem so hypothetical, but just give it a try to reach your full potential. Who know, you may become the one who changes our perception of this plain reality.
